MicroWorld Technologies Inc.has developed a free eScan AntiVirus toolkit utility, that
will help you diagonize if your machine is infected by a virus. This tool also cleans your registry and other system areas of the damage that a virus could have done. The best part of eScan toolkit utility, is its ability to
A. Check running processes in memory,
B. Check illegal dialers running in memory and inform the user.
C. Inform users of any background (legal) sniffers or tools running in
This utility will be updated once-a-week with the latest virus signature
databases or when a virus epidemic occurs.

Please do take note that eScan toolkit utility is "free" to use and
comes with no warranty/guarantee. We will do our best to keep it bug-free
and keep it as updated as possible. It will not have any "guard" or
"monitor" component (for which you will have to "buy" the
regular version of eScan).
Do report your feedback and suggestions to us. MicroWorld... it will
always be our endeavor to add confidence to computing :-)

Requirements: 32 MB Ram, WIndows as OS

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